Men's Breakfast
Men's Breakfast will begin on Saturday. We will start cooking at 7:00am, and eating around 8:00am. We will also have a "Workday" right after our breakfast.
5th Sunday Celebration
The Youth will be feeding us for our dinner in the Fellowship Hall. I hear it is going to be Spaghetti. Following the feeding frenzy, we will be doing songs and testimony in the Sanctuary. Dinner starts at 6:00pm
Men's Breakfast
Men's Breakfast will be held on Saturday. We will begin eating at around 8:00am. Please come and join us!
Depew Community Christmas service
The Community Christmas service will be held on Dec. 11th.
Children's Christmas Program
The Children's Christmas program will be held on Dec 4th beginning at 7:00pm.
C.A.'s to the Nursing Home
The C.A. group will be going to the nursing home on Wed evening. They will leave at 6:00pm.